Team surprises Curtin; tells him he's the Coach of the Year


As Head Coach Jim Curtin wrapped up his pre-training talk to Philadelphia Union, team captain Alejandro Bedoya stood up and informed Curtin that he was indeed the 2020 Sigi Schmid Coach of the Year winner.

“Like coach always says with team success comes individual accolades," Bedoya said. "He is Philly Philly through and through so on behalf of everybody here, let congratulate Jim for being the Coach of the Year.”

Caught completely off guard, Curtin was moved by the announcement and listen in as veteran Ray Gaddis added in to the moment with some special words for the Coach he's known since he arrived in Philadelphia.

“We had a coach when the league shut down who kept us together," Gaddis said. "Behind every great team is a great leader and our leader is Jim Curtin. He’s pushed us this year and made us better over the years. He couldn’t be more deserving of having this award.”

Team surprises Curtin; tells him he's the Coach of the Year -