During the regular season, training sessions typically run about 90 minutes and usually begin at 10:00 a.m. Training times can, and frequently do, vary. Members of the media who intend to cover training sessions on a regular basis should contact Union Communications to obtain the latest training schedule information and request interviews. Training sessions are open to the media for the final 15 minutes. No media members are allowed into the locker room before, during or after training sessions. Current protocols mandate media members attending training remain six feet away from the playing surface and wear a mask at all times.
All interview requests for a player, coach or Union staff member must be made at least 24 hours in advance by calling or emailing Erica Scheer with Union Communications.
Philadelphia Union Head Coach Jim Curtin will hold a virtual weekly press conference. The Philadelphia Union communications department will provide the date, time, and zoom link prior to the press conference.