
Union teaming up with Asher Roth for community cleanup April 14th


As part of Philadelphia Union's Greener Goals campaign during the upcoming MLS Week of Service, the club has announced it is partnering with rapper Asher Roth for an Earth Day community cleanup on Sunday, April 14.

In an effort to raise awareness around responsible consumption, recycling and composting, Roth and the Union are seeking volunteers to help clean up seven square blocks in Olde Kensington at Cruz Park from 12pm until 3pm. Following the cleanup, there will an event held at the park, located at 1431 N. 6th Street.


Beginning at noon, the first 150 participants to check in will receive a free MLS WORKS Greener Goals Week of Service tee and a pair of tickets to the Union's match against Montreal Impact on Saturday, April 20. Teams will be divided into groups, and team members who collect the most items by weight will receive a free 2019 Union parley jersey. The jersey itself will be revealed in the coming days as part of the overall MLS Week of Service initiative. 

All cleanup materials will be provided upon arrival and once the project is done, all volunteers are invited to gather at Cruz Park for a block party featuring the Union's U on Tour, a DJ and food trucks.